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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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GAcimiú fir
gu cimithe
A Court order that directs that a person should be sent to prison in accordance with a sentence handed down by the courts, or as a result of some non-compliance with the law
Ordú cúirte a threoraíonn gur chóir duine a chur i bpríosún de réir pianbhreith ó na cúirteanna, nó mar thoradh ar shárú dlí éigin
Warrants of committal sentence of imprisonment
Barántais chimithe —pianbhreith phríosúnachta FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997
commitment as punishment
cimiú mar phionós [FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997]
(of proceedings)
An action, proceeding or matter, shall not become abated by reason of the death or bankruptcy of any of the parties
Ní rachaidh caingean, imeacht ná ábhar ar ceal mar gheall ar bhás nó féimheacht aon pháirtí de na páirtithe FOINSE: I.R. Uimh 510 de 2001
GAlánrogha bain4
gu lánrogha, iol lánroghanna
Extensive power afforded to a person who is obliged to decide on the best way to handle any given situation
Cumhacht fhorleathan a thugtar do dhuine ar gá dó cinneadh a dhéanamh faoin dóigh is fearr le gníomhú i gcás áirithe ar bith
in its absolute discretion directs that such a pension shall be so payable, and in case the Board gives a direction under this paragraph it may,
dá lánrogha féin, go mbeidh pinsean den sórt sin iníoctha - amhlaidh, agus i gcás ina dtabharfaidh an Bord ordú faoin mír seo FOINSE: I.R. 1980
as the Board may in its absolute discretion think proper
mar is cuí leis an mBord dá rogha féin i leith gach codáin den sórt sin, FOINSE: I.R. 1981
cúisigh br
abr cúiseamh, aidbhr cúisithe
To charge someone with committing a crime
A rá faoi dhuine go ndearna sé/sí coir
(2) A summons issued by an office of the District Court and to which rule 2 (1) of this Order relates shall also notify such person that he or she will be accused of that offence at a sitting of the District Court to be specified in the summons
2) Cuirfidh toghairm a eiseoidh oifig den Chúirt Dúiche agus lena mbaineann riail 2 (1) den Ordú seo in iúl don duine sin freisin go gcúiseofar é nó í sa chion sin ag suí den Chúirt Dúiche a bheidh le sonrú sa toghairm. FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997
# charge · cúisigh · déan cúiseamh
Proceedings by the owner of a chattel against the hirer thereof under a hire-purchase agreement, for the recovery or return of the same, shall, for the purpose of the measurement or taxation of the costs, be deemed to be an action in contract in which the amount sued for is the amount of the instalments due and unpaid under the agreement at the date of commencement of the proceedings.
I gcás imeachtaí ag úinéir airnéise, i gcoinne fhruilitheoir na hairnéise sin faoi chomhaontú fruilcheannaigh, chun an airnéis a aisghabháil nó chun go ndéanfaí í a thabhairt ar ais, measfar, chun na costais a thomhas nó a fhómhas, gur caingean i gconradh atá sna himeachtaí sin inarb ionann an tsuim a ndéantar an t-agra ina leith agus méid na dtráthchodanna a bhí dlite agus neamhíoctha faoin gcomhaontú ar dháta tosaithe na n-imeachtaí. FOINSE: I.R. Uimh 510 de 2001
(to Court, etc.)
GAaitheasc fir1
gu aithisc, ai aithisc, gi aitheasc
(os comhair cúirte, etc.)
An oral presentation before the court regarding the legal issue in question.
Cur i láthair ó bhéal os comhair na cúirte maidir leis an tsaincheist dlí atá á plé.
Mode of address
Modh aithisc FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997_leath 2
on the adjournment of the debate
ar chur na díospóireachta ar athló
on the adjournment of the Assembly
ar dhul ar athló don Tionól
on the adjournment of the case
ar chur an cháis ar atráth
The period of time during which proceedings of the court has been deferred
An tréimhse ar lena linn atá imeachtaí na cúirte curtha siar
and any adjournment thereof until his/her presence at the trial is no longer required.
agus ar aon atráth a cheapfar di go dtí nach dteastóidh a thuilleadh é/í a bheith i láthair ag an triail. FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997 Leath 1
Adjournment of proceedings by mortgagee or lessor for possession or sale of shared home
Atráthú imeachtaí ag morgáistí nó ag léasóir chun seilbh a fháil ar áras comhroinnte nó chun é a dhíol
Where a court makes an order under subsection (1), the adjournment shall be for such period as the court thinks fit
I gcás ina ndéanann cúirt ordú faoi fho-alt (1), is atráth ar feadh cibé tréimhse a mheasfaidh an chúirt is cuí an t-atráth (Acht Uimh. 1 de 2010)
GAbreithnigh br
abr breithniú, aidbhr breithnithe
( b ) the subscriber is adjudged bankrupt or becomes insolvent or makes any composition or arrangement with or assignment for the benefit of his creditors,
(b) go mbreithneofar rannpháirtí ina fhéimheach, nó go dtiocfaidh sé chun bheith dócmhainneach nó go ndéanfaidh sé aon dlúthshocraíocht nó comhshocraíocht lena chreidiúnaithe nó aon tsannadh ar mhaithe leo, sócmhainní, nó FOINSE: I.R. 1980
AND WHEREAS I DO NOW, at the said sitting and acting solely in execution of my duties as such Judge, hereby adjudge that the said person for that contempt be committed to prison for the period of .............. days,
AGUS DE BHRÍ GO nDÉANAIMSE ANOIS, ag an suí sin agus ag gníomhú dom i bhfeidhmiú mo dhualgas mar Bhreitheamh den sórt sin agus ina bhfeidhmiú sin amháin, leis seo a bhreithniú go gcimeofar an duine sin chun príosúin go ceann tréimhse ...................... lá mar gheall ar an díspeagadh sin, FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997 Leath 1
GAbreithnigh br
abr breithniú, aidbhr breithnithe
To hear and settle by judicial procedure
Cás a éisteacht agus a shocrú trí nós imeachta breithiúnach
...and in such advertisement the time for adjudicating on claims shall be stated
...agus luafar san fhógrán sin an tráth chun éilimh a bhreithniú. FOINSE: I.R. Uimh 510 de 2001
...*(until the application for a maintenance order is adjudicated upon),...
...*(go dtí go ndéanfaidh an Chúirt breithniú ar an iarratas ar *... FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997_leath 2
Detention of boat and persons pending adjudication of proceedings
Bád agus daoine a choinneáil go dtí go ndéanfar breithniú ar imeachtaí FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997 Leath 1
On every order for annulment of adjudication
Ar gach ordú chun breithniú a neamhniú FOINSE: I.R. 1980
GAadmháil bain3
gu admhála, iol admhálacha
An acknowledgment of the truth of something
Fírinne rud éigin a thabhairt le fios
Any admissions, if not made during the hearing, shall be in writing, and shall be signed by the party making the same, or by his Solicitor
Mura le linn na héisteachta a dhéanfar iad, is i scríbhinn a bheidh aon admhálacha agus síneoidh an páirtí a bheidh á ndéanamh, nó a Aturnae, iad. FOINSE: I.R. Uimh 510 de 2001
or where payments under an affiliation order have ceased to be payable by virtue of this Act
nó i gcás íocaíochtaí faoi ordú atharthachta gan a bheith iníoctha feasta de bhua an Achta seo [Acht Uimh. 11 de 1976]
A person employed to write from dictation or to copy manuscript.
Duine a scríobhann ó dheachtú nó a chóipeálann lámhscríbhinní.
A Judge of the District Court shall hold a court, to be known as the Annual Licensing Court, in each court area in the Judge's district on the day of the last sitting of the Court for that court area for the transaction of the business of the Court exercising its summary jurisdiction held in the month of September each year.
Tionólfaidh Breitheamh den Chúirt Dúiche cúirt, dá ngairfear an O.81, r.1 Chúirt Bhliantúil um Cheadúnú, i ngach ceantar cúirte i ndúiche an Bhreithimh lá an tsuí deiridh den Chúirt don cheantar cúirte sin chun gnó na Cúirte, ag feidhmiú a dlínse achomaire di, a sheoladh, a thionólfar i mí Mheán Fómhair gach bliain. FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997 Leath 1
The determination given by an arbitration tribunal
An cinneadh a dhéanann bord eadrána
The effect of this Order is to provide for recognition and enforcement in Ireland of an arbitral award made in the territory of another State party to the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, done at New York on 10 June 1958, in accordance with the provisions of that Convention.
Is é is éifeacht don Ordú seo foráil a dhéanamh maidir le Dámhachtain Eadrána a dhéanfar i gcríoch Stáit eile is páirtí sa Choinbhinsiún maidir le Dámhachtainí Eadrána Coigríche a Aithint agus a Fhorghníomhú, a rinneadh i Nua-Eabhrac an 10 Meitheamh, 1958, a aithint agus a fhorghníomhú in Éirinn de réir forálacha an Choinbhinsiúin sin. FOINSE: I.R. 1981
The effect of this Order is to provide for recognition and enforcement in Ireland of an arbitral award made in the territory of another State ...
Is é is éifeacht don Ordú seo foráil a dhéanamh maidir le Dámhachtain Eadrána a dhéanfar i gcríoch Stáit eile ... FOINSE: I.R. 1981
fionn br
abr fionnadh, aidbhr fionnta
x ascertains the facts
fionnann x fírinne an scéil
I’ll find out what section is dealing with it
gheobhaidh mé amach cén rannóg atá ag plé leis
if the value of materials is not known and cannot be ascertained
murab eol luach na n-ábhar agus mura féidir é a fhionnadh
(transfer in law)
GAsann br
abr sannadh, aidbhr sannta
To transfer property to another
Maoin a aistriú chuig duine eile
(c) the tenant shall not assign, sub-divide or part with the possession of the house or any part thereof or, without the consent of the authority, sublet or allow any part of the house to be occupied by a lodger,
(c) ní dhéanfaidh an tionónta seilbh an tí nó aon chuid de a shannadh, a fhoroinnt ná a thabhairt uaidh ná, gan toiliú an údaráis, aon chuid den teach a fholigean ná a cheadú aon chuid den teach a áitiú ag lóistéir. FOINSE: I.R. 1980
ENbail s
Where a Judge decides to admit to bail a person charged with an offence he or she may direct that a sum of money equivalent to the amount of bail be accepted in lieu of a surety or sureties and such person shall be released on the lodgment of the said sum of money with—
I gcás ina gcinnfidh Breitheamh duine a cúisíodh i gcion a ligean faoi bhannaí, féadfaidh sé nó sí a ordú go nglacfar le suim airgid, cóimhéid le suim an bhanna, in ionad urra nó urraí, agus déanfar an duine sin a scaoileadh saor ar an tsuim airgid sin a thaisceadh— FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997 Leath 1
GAbáillíocht bain3
gu báillíochta, ai báillíochtaí
Chimnage in bailiwick
Dola foraoise i mbáillíocht [Acht Uimh. 28 de 2007]
a bench warrant for the arrest of a person who has failed to appear in compliance with the terms of a recognisance, or
barántas binse chun duine a ghabháil a mhainnigh láithriú i gcomhlíonadh téarmaí cúirtbhanna, nó FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997
Binding over of informant
Bannaí a chur ar fhaisnéiseoir FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997 Leath 1
...or the issue of a body warrant,...
...nó i gcás barántas coirp a eisiúint,... FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997 Leath 1
This Order will bring into operation on 26th September, 1980, the provisions of sections 2, 4 to 12, 18 and 22 of the Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1979 . The provisions of the Local Government (Sanitary Services) Act, 1962 and of the Housing Act, 1966 are repealed to the extent specified in the Schedule to the Order.
Leis an Ordú seo tabharfar forálacha ailt 2, 4, go 12, 18 agus 22 d'Acht na dTithe (Forálacha Ilghnéitheacha), 1979 i ngníomh an 26 Meán Fómhair, 1980. Aisghairtear forálacha an Achta Rialtais Áitiúil (Seirbhísí Sláintíochta), 1966 a mhéid a shonraítear sa Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Ordú.
The obligation of proving that the charge laid before the defending party is true
An dualgas atá ann a chruthú gur fíor an cúiseamh atá curtha i leith an pháirtí cosanta
If, when a case is called in Court, the plaintiff appears, and the defendant does not appear, the plaintiff may prove his claim so far as the burden of proof lies upon him
Más rud é, nuair a ghlaofar cás sa Chúirt, go láithreoidh an gearánaí, agus nach láithreoidh an cosantóir, féadfaidh an gearánaí a éileamh a chruthú sa mhéid gur airsean a luífidh an dualgas cruthúnais. FOINSE: I.R. Uimh 510 de 2001
The submission of a question or questions on a point or points of law to a higher court for adjudication
Aighniú ceiste nó ceisteanna ar phointe dlí nó ar phointí dlí le haghaidh rialú ó chúirt níos uachtaraí
"appeal" includes an appeal by way of case stated
folaíonn "achomharc" achomharc ar mhodh cáis shonraithe [Uimhir 12 de 2002]
A formal valuation of good or property
Meastóireacht fhoirmiúil ar earraí nó ar mhaoin
The certificate of appraisement.
An deimhniú measadóireachta [FOINSE: I.R. 1981]
A certificate of service completed and forwarded under Article 6 of The Hague Convention by the Central Authority of the State addressed or any authority which it may have designated for that purpose shall be prima facie evidence of the facts stated therein
Beidh deimhniú seirbheála arna chomhlánú agus arna chur ar aghaidh faoi Airteagal 6 de Choinbhinsiún na Háige ag Údarás Láir an Stáit chun a ndírítear é nó ag aon údarás a bheidh ainmnithe aige chun na críche sin ina fhianaise prima facie ar na fíorais a bheidh luaite ann. FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997 Leath 1
(confirm truth or accuracy)
GAdeimhnigh br
abr deimhniú, aidbhr deimhnithe
To confirm the truth or accuracy of a statement by a formal certificate or a legal certificate
Deimhniú a dhéanamh ar chruinneas ráitis trí dhoiciméad foirmiúil nó dlíthiúil
Judge to certify non-performance of condition
Deimhneoidh an Breitheamh nár comhlíonadh coinníoll FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997
No fee shall be payable in the Central Office or in the Office of the Registrar of the Supreme Court on any application, order, judgement or report or on the filing of any notice of motion, affidavit or other document necessary in connection with habeas corpus proceedings, proceedings under the Extradition Act, 1965 (No. 17 of 1965), bail proceedings or proceedings in a criminal case by way of certiorari or mandamus.
Ní bheidh aon táille iníoctha sa Phríomh-Oifig ná in Oifig Chláraitheoir na Cúirte Uachtaraí ar aon iarratas, ordú, breithiúnas nó tuarascáil, ná ar aon fhógra foriarratais, mionnscríbhinn nó doiciméad eilc a chomhdú is gá i ndáil le himeachtaí habeas corpus, le himeachtaí faoin Acht um Eiseachadadh, 1965 (Uimh. 17 de 1965), le himeachtaí bannaí nó le himeachtaí i gcás coiriúil ar mhodh certiorari nó mandamus. FOINSE: I.R. 1981
(formally accuse of an offence)
GAcúisigh br
abr cúiseamh, aidbhr cúisithe
To accuse a person of wrongdoing, particularly a legal offence
Éagóir, go háirithe cion i gcoinne an dlí, a chur i leith duine
Where, pursuant to section 8 (2) of the Act, the Judge is of opinion that there is a sufficient case to put the accused on trial for some indictable offence other than that charged,...
Más rud é, de bhun alt 8 (2) den Acht, gurb é tuairim an Bhreithimh go bhfuil leorchás ann chun an cúisí a chur ar a thriail nó a triail mar gheall ar chion indíotáilte éigin seachas an cion inar cúisíodh é nó í, ... FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997 Leath 1
( a ) in the court area wherein the offence charged or, if more than one offence is stated to have been committed within a Judge's district, any one of such offences is stated to have been committed; or
(a) sa cheantar cúirte ar ann a deirtear a rinneadh an cion a ndéantar an cúiseamh ina leith nó, má deirtear go ndearnadh níos mó ná aon chion amháin laistigh de dhúiche Bhreithimh, aon cheann de na cionta sin; nó FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997 Leath 1
# accuse · cuir i leith · cúisigh
GAan Príomh-Bhreitheamh fir1
gu an Phríomh-Bhreithimh, ai na Príomh-Bhreithimh, gi na bPríomh-Bhreitheamh
to the Chief Justice £32,226 a year
leis an bPríomh-Bhreitheamh £32,226 sa bhliain FOINSE: I.R. 1980
ENcitation s
pl citations
(reference to previous decision)
GAlua fir4
gu lua
A reference to a previous court or legal decision, stating exactly where the reference is to be found
Tagairt do chinneadh cúirte nó do chinneadh dlíthiúil, ag sonrú cén áit go díreach a bhfuil an tagairt le fáil
Short title and citation
Gearrtheideal agus lua. FOINSE: I.R. 1980
A civil summons shall show on its face the appropriate costs as set out in the schedule of costs for the time being in force and payable if the plaintiff's claim is paid within ten days after the date of the service of the civil summons upon the defendant.
Taispeánfaidh toghairm shibhialta ar a héadan na costais chuí mar a leagtar amach iad i sceideal na gcostas a bheidh i bhfeidhm de thuras na huaire agus is iníoctha má íoctar éileamh an ghearánaí laistigh de dheich lá tar éis dháta seirbheála na toghairme sibhialta ar an gcosantóir. FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997 Leath 1
Affidavits to be made before Commissioners for Oaths
Mionnscríbhinní a dhéanamh os comhair Coimisinéirí Mionnaí FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997 Leath 1
‘Inland Revenue Affidavit’ means the document, completed by or on behalf of the intended applicant or intended applicants for probate or letters of administration and sworn by them before a commissioner for oaths, a practicing solicitor or a court clerk, as the case may be
ciallaíonn ‘Mionnscríbhinn Ioncaim Intíre’ an doiciméad arna thabhairt chun críche ag an iarratasóir beartaithe nó na hiarratasóirí beartaithe ar phrobháid nó ar litreacha riaracháin nó thar ceann an iarratasóra nó na n-iarratasóirí sin, agus arna mhionnú aige nó aici nó acu os comhair coimisinéara mionn, aturnae cleachtaigh nó cléirigh cúirte, de réir mar a bheidh; [Acht Uimh. 5 de 2010]
(to prison)
GAcimigh br
abr cimiú, aidbhr cimithe
(chun príosúin)
To send someone to prison
Duine a chur chun príosúin
The Regulations prescribe the payments to be made from 1 March, 1980, by local authorities to the managers of certified schools for the maintenance of children and youthful offenders committed to their schools.
Ordaítear leis an rialacháin seo na suimeanna bheith le híoc ón 1 Marta, 1980, ag údaráis áitiúla le bainisteoirí scoileanna deimhnithe as cothabháil leanaí agus ógchiontóirí a cuireadh á gcimiú chuig a scoileanna. FOINSE: I.R. 1980
HAVING BEEN COMMITTED to *(prison) *(a remand institution) by order of the District Court under section 29 (1) of the above-mentioned Act made at a sitting of the Court for the said District on the day of 19 , and
A CIMÍODH chun *(príosúin) *(forais athchuir) le hordú ón gCúirt Dúiche faoi alt 29 (1) den Acht thuasluaite a rinneadh ag suí den Chúirt don Dúiche sin an lá de 19 ,agus FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997 Leath 1
The warrant of committal shall be in accordance with Form 24.36 or 24.37 Schedule B, as the case may be.
Is de réir Fhoirm 24.36 nó 24.37, Sceideal B, de réir mar a bheidh, a bheidh an barántas cimithe. FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997 Leath 1
Where the recognisance is not perfected forthwith the Judge may certify on the committal warrant a consent to such person being bailed, stating the amount of bail required.
Más rud é nach ndéanfar an cúirtbhanna a chomhlánú láithreach, féadfaidh an Breitheamh a dheimhniú ar an mbarántas cimithe go dtoilíonn sé nó sí an duine sin a bhannú, agus méid na mbannaí is gá a lua. FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997 Leath 1
GAcúiteamh fir1
gu cúitimh
A monetary payment made to the injured party to make amends for a loss or injury incurred
Íocaíocht airgid a dhéantar leis an bpáirtí díobhálaithe mar leorghníomh in aon chailliúint nó aon díobháil
Compensation under this Regulation in respect of the destruction of bees shall not exceed £25 per hive"
Ní rachaidh cúiteamh faoin Rialachán seo i leith beacha a dhíothú thar £25 an choirceog"
GAdaingniú fir
gu daingnithe, iol daingnithe
daingniúchán fir1
ai daingniúcháin
A notice of the making of a confirmation order to be published or served, as the case may be, in accordance with section 78(1) of the Housing Act, 1966, shall be published or served within 12 weeks of the making of the confirmation order
Aon fhógra á rá go ndearnadh ordú daingniúcháin, ar fógra é a bheidh le foilsiú nó le seirbheáil, de réir mar a bheidh, de réir alt 78(1) d’Acht na dTithe, 1966, déanfar é a fhoilsiú nó a sheirbheáil laistigh de 12 sheachtain ón ordú daingniúcháin a dhéanamh (Acht Uimh. 30 de 2000)
GAtoiliú fir
gu toilithe
Agreement, approval, compliance or acquiescence with a course of action taken by someone else
Aontú, faomhadh, géilleadh nó ceadú maidir le gníomh, gníomhú, nó beart duine eile
It will be necessary to produce at the hearing the written consent of the mother
Is gá an toiliú i scríbhinn ón máthair a thabhairt ar aird ag an éisteacht. FOINSE: I.R. Uimh 510 de 2001
GAforléiriú fir
gu forléirithe, iol forléirithe
Interpretation of a statute, law, contract or will and determination of meaning in the event of any ambiguity
Léirmhíniú ar aon reacht, dlí, conradh nó uacht agus cinneadh maidir le brí má tá baol athbrí ann
Construction of certain references
Forléiriú ar thagairtí áirithe. FOINSE: I.R. 1980
A charge for services provided that is only paid upon a favourable result.
Muirear ar sheirbhísí nach n-íoctar ach amháin i gcás toradh fabhrach.
Insert amount of purchase money in respect of the leasehold interest and reference to contingent charge, where appropriate.
Cuir isteach suim an airgid cheannaigh i leith leas na léasachta agus tagairt do mhuirear teagmhasach, de réir mar is iomchuí.
(of clause or provision)
GAbuanú fir
gu buanaithe
(clásál nó foráil)
The transfer of a corporation from one governing statute to another.
Aistriú corparáide ó reacht rialaithe amháin go reacht rialaithe eile.
This Order may be cited as the Housing Act, 1969 (Continuance) Order, 1981.
An tOrdú um Acht na dTithe, 1969 (Buanú), 1981, is teideal don Ordú seo. FOINSE: I.R. 1981
A person who is trained in the drawing up of all the legal instruments required to transfer property from one person to another
Duine atá oilte i ndréachtadh na n-ionstraimí dlíthiúla go léir atá riachtanach chun réadmhaoin a aistriú ó dhuine go duine
A general law clerk is a person other than a managing clerk, a conveyancing clerk, a cost clerk, a shorthand typist or a typist but who may by a Court Clerk or a Book-Keeper and who is wholly or mainly engaged on clerical or book-keeping duties
Is é is cléireach dlí ginearálta ann, duine nach cléireach bainistí, cléireach tíolactha, cléireach costas, luathscríobhaí ná clóscríobhaí, ach ar féidir é a bheith ina Chléireach Cúirte nó ina Leabhar-Choirneédai, agus a bhíonn ag gabháil ar fad nó go formhór do dhualgais chléireachais nó leabhar-choimeád
A statement that is made to deny, to refute or to oppose another statement
Ráiteas a dhéantar le ráiteas eile a bhréagnú nó le cur ina aghaidh
On lodging a counter-statement in answer to a notice of opposition before the Minister under paragraph 2 of the First Schedule to the Act, for each application opposed, by the applicant
Ar fhrithráiteas a thaisceadh mar fhreagra ar fhógra freasúrachta os comhair an Aire faoi mhír 2 den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht, ar gach iarratas a ndéanfar freasúracht ina aghaidh, ón iarratasóir FOINSE: I.R. 1980
GAbreith bain2
gu breithe, iol breitheanna
A conclusion that is reached after an evaluation of the law and facts
Conclúid a dhéantar tar éis measúnú a dhéanamh ar an dlí agus na fíricí
(4) For the purposes of this Regulation legal proceedings shall be regarded as pending so long as an appeal may be brought against any decision in the proceedings;
(4) Measfar chun críocha an Rialacháin seo, imeachtaí dlíthiúla a bheith ar feitheamh a fhad a fhéadfar achomharc a dhéanamh i gcoinne aon bhreith sna himeachtaí; FOINSE: I.R. 1980
(represent somebody in court)
GAcosain br
abr cosaint, aidbhr cosanta
déan br cosaint ar in úsáid/in use
If the civil summons is defended the costs of the successful party shall be in accordance with the appropriate Contract, Breach of Contract and Tort scale
Má dhéantar cosaint ar an toghairm shibhialta beidh costais an pháirtí a n-éireoidh leis/léi de réir an scála chuí a bhaineann le Conradh agus Sárú Conartha agus Tort. FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997_leath 2
To submit to a higher authority, to acknowledge the merit of a higher authority
Umhlú d'údarás níos airde, aitheantas a thabhairt d'fhiúntas údaráis níos airde
The Minister shall transmit to the High Court any request made to him or her by an international tribunal … that any court in the State or any military tribunal defer to the international tribunal's competence by discontinuing proceedings commenced in that court or military tribunal
Maidir le haon iarraidh a dhéanfaidh binse idirnáisiúnta … chuig an Aire go ngéillfeadh aon chúirt sa Stát nó aon bhinse míleata d'inniúlacht an bhinse idirnáisiúnta trí scor d'imeachtaí a tionscnaíodh sa chúirt sin nó sa bhinse míleata sin, déanfaidh an tAire í a tharchur chuig an Ard-Chúirt (Acht Uimh. 40 de 1998)
(a court order)
GAordachán fir1
gu ordacháin, ai ordacháin, gi ordachán
ordú fir in úsáid/in use
gu ordaithe, iol orduithe
A formal or authoritative command, usually given by a judge, to take a specific course of action
Treoir nó ráiteas foirmiúil nó údarásach a thugann breitheamh, de ghnáth, ar cad atá le déanamh
If the plaintiff does attend he shall not be entitled to costs in respect of the motion except by special direction of the Court
Má fhreastalaíonn an gearánaí ní bheidh sé i dteideal costais a fháil i leith an fhoriarratais ach amháin le hordú speisialta ón gCúirt. FOINSE: I.R. Uimh 510 de 2001
On application for directions under section 22 (5), Rule 57
Ar iarratas ar ordúcháin faoi alt 22 (5), Riail 57 FOINSE: I.R. 1980
GAtreorú fir
gu treoraithe, iol treoruithe
treoir bain5 in úsáid/in use
gu treorach, iol treoracha
Guidance given by the court
Moladh a dhéanann an chúirt maidir le conas dul i mbun rud éigin
(a) Subject to the right of the Court to give such directions in that behalf as it considers appropriate or convenient, evidence at the hearing of a motion under Rule 2 shall be by affidavit.
(a) Faoi réir cheart na Cúirte treoruithe a thabhairt chuige sin is cuí nó is caothúil léi, is le mionnscríbhinn a thabharfar fianaise ag éisteacht foriarratais faoi Riail 2. FOINSE: I.R. 1981
GAdícheadú fir
gu dícheadaithe
To reject something as untrue or invalid.
Rud a dhiúltú ós rud é nach bhfuil sé fíor ná bailí.
On carrying in objections to the allowance or disallowance of any item or items in a bill of costs.
Ar agóidí a thabhairt isteach in aghaidh aon mhíre nó míreanna i mbille costas a cheadú nó a dhícheadúFOINSE: I.R. 1981
GAdíbhe bain4
gu díbhe, iol díbhí
A decision by a court to exclude a case, completely or partly.
Cinneadh cúirte chun cás a eisiamh, go hiomlán nó go páirteach.
Amount of compensation awarded or, in case of dismiss, amount of compensation claimed
Méid an chúitimh a dámhadh nó, i gcás díbhe, méid an chúitimh a éilíodh FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997_leath 2
In addition to the fee at 5 above, on every decree, dismiss or judgment in respect of a sum of money exceeding £50, for every full £25 in excess of £50 (but the additional fee chargeable in respect of this item shall not in any case exceed £7.00) ..
I dteannta na táille ag 5 thuas, ar gach foraithne, díbhe nó breithiúnas i leith suim airgid is mó ná £50, ar gach £25 iomlán de bhreis ar £50(ach ní mó ná £7 i gcás ar bith an táille bhreise is inmhuirir i leith na míre seo)
A calender of cases ready for trial
Féilire de chásanna atá réidh lena dtriail
The setting down docket
An duillín á chur síos. FOINSE: I.R. 1981
(a single law)
GAachtachán fir1
gu achtacháin, gi achtacháin, gi achtachán
This agreement does not prejudge the right to repeal or revoke enactments.
Ní dhéanann an comhaontú seo réamhbhreith ar an gceart achtacháin a aisghairm nó a chúlghairm.
ENenter v
(enter an appearance in Court; enter judgement)
GAtaifead br
abr taifeadadh, aidbhr taifeadta
(láithreas a thaifeadadh; breithniúnas a thaifeadadh)
On entering judgement in the Central Office in default of appearance or of pleading.
Ar bhreithiúnas a thaifeadadh sa Phríomh-Oifig d'éagmais láithris nó pléadála.
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