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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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‘fógra (dá ngairtear agóid i gcoinne feabhsúcháin san alt seo) san fhoirm fhorordaithe ag cur i gcoinne an fheabhsúcháin ar fhorais a shonrófar san fhógra’
(‘a notice (in this Act referred to as an improvement objection) in the prescribed form objecting to the improvement on grounds specified in the notice’)
Ní fhéadfar agóid feabhsúcháin a sheirbheáil ach ar fhorais áirithe (alt 48 (3)). FOINSE: I.R. 1980
An improvement objection may be served only on certain grounds (section 48(3))
nach bhfuil aon áit chónaithe sheasta ag an gcúisí laistigh den dlínse FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997 Leath 1
that the accused has no fixed abode within the jurisdiction
GAáitíocht bain3
gu áitíochta
áitiú fir
gu áitithe
(14) aon fhógra nó fógrán a thaispeáint ach amháin in áitreabh a mbeidh údarás ag an duine a thaispeánfaidh é, é a áitiú, agus de réir téarmaí a áitíochta;
(14) exhibiting any notice or advertisement except on premises which the person exhibiting it is authorised to occupy and in accordance with the terms of his occupation;
Áitiú agus úinéireacht tithe. FOINSE: I.R. 1980
Occupation and ownership of houses
GAáititheoir fir3
gu áititheora, iol áititheoirí
Duine i seilbh iarbhír maoine.
A person in actual possession of property.
— gurb é/í an freagróir áititheoir an áitribh sin, FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997_leath 2
— that the respondent is the occupier of the said premises,
(b) i gcásanna eile, do shealbhóir an áitribh ina bhfuil nó ar a bhfuil an t-inneall ina sheasamh nó dá bhfuil sé daingnithe. FOINSE: I.R. 1980
( b ) in other cases, to the occupier of the premises at or on which the machine stands or to which it is affixed.
(1) Déanfaidh úinéir, áititheoir nó an duine i bhfeighil aon ghabháltais nó talaimh eile, má bhíonn aon ainmhithe air, cibé taifid a choimeád a theastóidh ón Aire- [foinse: TSL]
(1) The owner, occupier or person in charge of any holding or other land shall, if there are any animals thereon, keep such records as the Minister may require of—
Duine nach tionónta é nó í agus ar cead leis nó léi áitreabh a áitiú nó a úsáid
A person permitted to occupy or use premises other than as a tenant
DE BHRÍ go bhfuil an Cosantóir ag áitiú nó i seilbh (tailte, is é sin le rá, ), maoin de chuid an Ghearánaí, mar airíoch (nó mar sheirbhíseach, nó mar áititheoir ceadmhach, nó de réir mar atá). FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997 Leath 1
WHEREAS the Defendant is in occupation or possession of the (lands of ) the property of the Plaintiff, as caretaker (or as servant, or permissive occupant or as the case may be).
Foirgneamh a roinneann teorainn le foirgneamh eile
A building sharing a common boundary with another
*(*úinéir *áititheoir an áitribh thadhlaigh,) FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997_leath 2
*(the *owner *occupier of the adjoining premises,)
Tá an Léas sin cláraithe mar ualach ar Fhóilió sa Chlár de Thalamh Ruílse i gContae
The said Lease is registered as a burden on Folio of the Register of Freehold land in the County of
GAathsheachadadh fir
gu athsheachadaidh
Ar aon ghnáthbhille sibhialta nó gnáth-thoghairm (lena n-áirítear Idirphléadáil, Eisiachtain, Athsheachadadh, billí sibhialta maidir le deonú nó cúlghairm Probháide nó Litreacha Riaracháin agus Iarratais Díobhála Coinúla) a eisiúint, cibé méid a bheidh i gceist FOINSE: I.R. 1981
On the issue of any ordinary civil bill or summons (including Interpleader, Ejectment, Replevin, civil bills in relation to the grant of revocation of Probate or Letters of Administration and Criminal Injury Applications), irrespective of the amount involved
Ar aon bhille díolacháin a iniúchadh (ní inmhuirearaithe an táille seo má chuirtear cóip ar ordú) FOINSE: I.R. 1980
For inspecting any bill of sale (not to be charged if a copy is bespoken)
Luacháil réadmhaoine a urghabhtar le hordú cúirte.
Valuation of property seized by a court order.
Bouvier's Law Dictionary1856 Edition; " APPRAISEMENT. A just valuation of property. 2. Appraisements are required to be made of the property of persons dying intestate, of insolvents and others; an inventory (q. v.) of the goods ought to be made, and a just valuation put upon them. When property real or personal is taken for public use, an appraisement of it is made, that the owner may be paid it's value."
An deimhniú measadóireachtaFOINSE: I.R. 1981
The certificate of appraisement.
GAbronntanas fir1
gu bronntanais, ai bronntanais, gi bronntanas
ENgift s
Úinéireacht réadmhaoine nó airnéise a aistriú de shaorthoil agus saor in aisce chuig duine eile
A willingly executed transfer of valuables or property free of charge to another person
(b) bronntanais airgid a ghlacadh le ceadú roimh ré ón Údarás [Acht Uimh. 21 de 2010]
(b) the receipt of gifts of money with the prior approval of the Authority
an feo simplí seilbhe saor ó eirí ar iascach eisiach [Acht Uimh. 5 de 1952]
the fee simple in possession free from incumbrances of a several fishery
(1) I gcás maoine a ceannaíodh faoi na hAchtanna Talamh-Cheannaigh agus a cláraíodh le teideal sealbhach a bheith faighte de bhun díola, nó ag údarás reachtúil, agus nach mó ná £50,000 an t-airgead ceannaigh nó an cúiteamh a íocadh ina leith nó a luach, féadfaidh an Cláraitheoir, ar iarratas a fháil ó Aturnae an iarratasóra á dheimhniú go ndearna sé imscrúdú ar an teideal roimh an gcéadchlárú agus nár nochtadh san imscrúdú sin aon chearta codarsna, cúnaint shriantacha ná eirí ina leith, Teideal Iomlán a dhéanamh den teideal sealbhach sin. FOINSE: I.R. 1981
(1) Where property purchased under the Land Purchase Acts and registered with a possessory title has been acquired on sale or by a statutory authority and the purchase money, compensation or value thereof does not exceed £50,000, the Registrar may, on an application by the Solicitor for applicant certifying that he has investigated the title prior to first registration and that on such investigation no adverse rights, restrictive covenants or incumbrances were disclosed, convert the title into an Absolute Title.
Deimhním go bhfanann an mhaoin sin saor ó aon chearta codarsna, cúnaint shriantacha nó eirí FOINSE: I.R. 1981
I certify that the said property remains free from any adverse rights, restrictive covenants or incumbrances
... chun fiach a dhéanamh ar ainmhithe fiáine nó éin fhiáine ar thailte a bhfuil na comhlachtaí sin i dteideal cearta spóirt a theachtadh ina leith. FOINSE: I.R. 1980
... for the purpose of hunting, of wild animals or wild birds on lands over which the said bodies are entitled to enjoy sporting rights.
Cíos laghdaithe a ghearrtar ar thalamh feirmeoireachta atá cothrom, ar a laghad, le ceathrú cuid de luach reatha an chíosa ar an margadh
A reduced rent levied on farm land which is at least one-fourth the current market rental value
Iarratas ar úinéireacht oidhreachtáin neamhchorpraigh atá ar teachtadh i gcomhlán (seachas cíos feofheirme nó cíosmhuirear) a chéad chlárú I.R. 1980 FOINSE
Application for the first registration of the ownership of an incorporeal hereditament held in gross (other than a fee-farm rent or a rentcharge)
AGUS DE BHRÍ gurb é an stoc a shonraitear sa sceideal a ghabhann leis seo (is é sin an stoc atá sonraithe agus tuairiscithe ar an tsli chéanna san fhardal) an stoc a bhfuil a shonrai taifeadta nó le taifeadadh i gClár na nAirnéis-Mhorgáistí de bhun alt 31 (l) den Acht sin 1978 FOINSE: I.R. 1978
AND WHEREAS the stock specified in the schedule hereto (being the stock specified and similarly described in the inventory) is the stock, particulars of which are or are to be entered in the Register of Chattel Mortgages pursuant to section 31 (1) of the said Act of 1978:
GAClárlann bain2 na nGníomhas stairiúil/historical
ENRegistry s of Deeds stairiúil/historical
Foráiltear leis an Ordú seo, a thagann i ngníomh an 1 Deireadh Fómhair, 1980, scála táillí athbhreithnithe a mhuirearú i gClárlann na nGníomhas. FOINSE: I.R. 1980
This Order, which comes into operation on the 1st October, 1980, provides for a revised scale of fees to be charged in the Registry of Deeds.
I gcás nach mbeidh an leas feo shimplí cláraithe, féadfaidh an Cláraitheoir, chun críocha cláraithe i gClárlann na nGníomhas, glacadh mar mheabhreachán le dúblach den deimhniú deimhnithe dilseacháin.
Where the fee simple interest is not registered, the Registrar, for the purposes of registration in the Registry of Deeds, may accept a duplicate of the vesting certificate as a memorial
Déantar leis an Ordú seo an tOrdú láithreach a leasú chun go bhféadfar aisíoc a dhéanamh le feirmeoirí neamhchláraithe maidir le gné cánach breisluacha a d'eisíoc siad ar fhoirgnimh feirme agus ar dhraenáil talún nó saothrú talún ar íoc an Roinn Talmhaíochta, Roinn na Gaeltachta nó Coimisiún Talún na hÉireann deontais ina leith
This Order amends the existing Order so as to enable refunds to be made to unregistered farmers of the VAT element in outlay by them on farm buildings and land drainage or land reclamation in respect of which grants were paid by the Department of Agriculture, Roinn na Gaeltachta or by the Irish Land Commission
Le haghaidh thuarastail agus chostais Oifig an Aire Talmhaíochta, Iascaigh agus Bia, lena n-áirítear seirbhísí áirithe atá faoi riaradh na hOifige sin, agus Choimisiún Talún na hÉireann (Acht Uimhir 42 de 2009
For the salaries and expenses of the Office of the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, including certain services administered by that Office, and of the Irish Land Commission
GAcoinnigh br
abr coinneáil, aidbhr coinnithe
coimeád br
abr coimeád, aidbhr coimeádta
(of property)
AN BÁD A CHOINNEÁIL NÍOS FAIDE go dtí go gcinnfear an t-achomharc nó na himeachtaí eile (agus aon imeachtaí de dhroim an achomhairc nó na n-imeachtaí eile). FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997
TO DETAIN THE BOAT FURTHER pending the determination of the appeal or the other proceedings (and any proceedings consequent upon the appeal or the other proceedings).
(1) I gcás go n-allmhaireofar prátaí thar sárú an Ordaithe seo, féadfaidh oifigeach don Aire na prátaí ar fad nó aon chuid díobh a urghabháil agus a choimeád. FOINSE: I.R. 1981
(1) Where potatoes are imported in contravention of this Order, an officer of the Minister may seize and detain all or any of the potatoes
(3) Féadfaidh oifigeach custam agus máil aon phrátaí síl a choinneáil agus a urghabháil a bheidh á n-allmhairiú nó a mbeifear ag féachaint lena n-allmhairiú contrártha don Rialachán seo agus féadfaidh sé, chun na críche sin, aon phacáiste a oscailt a bhfuil prátaí ann, nó a bhfuil sé in amhras go bhfuil prátaí ann, agus beidh feidhm ag forálacha na nAchtanna Custam a bhaineann le hearraí, a urghabhtar faoi na hAchtanna sin, a dhaoradh agus a dhiúscairt agus beidh éifeacht leo maidir leis na prátaí síl go léir a urghabhtar faoi Rialachán seo amhail is dá mba faoi na hAchtanna sin a urghabhadh iad. FOINSE: I.R. 1980
(3) An officer of customs and excise may detain and seize any seed potatoes being imported or attempted to be imported in contravention of this Regulation and may for that purpose open any package containing or suspected by him to contain potatoes, and the provisions of the Customs Acts relating to the condemnation and disposal of goods seized under those Acts shall apply and have effect in relation to all seed potatoes seized under this Regulation as if they had been seized under those Acts.
Comhaontú chun earraí a aistriú ó dhíoltóir go ceannaitheoir ar íocaíocht de chineál inghlactha
A contract for the transfer of goods from a seller to a buyer for an accepted form of payment
ó dháta an chonartha i gcomhair díolacháin [Acht Uimh. 3 de 1998]
from the date of the contract for sale
Comhaontú a thugann cead do dhuine réadmhaoin a úsáid nó a áitiú.
An agreement which allows one to use or occupy property.
féadfaidh an cosantóir i gcás aon imeachtaí eisiachtana i leith neamhíoc cíosa, nó aon duine a bhfuil leas sonrach aige nó aici sa chonradh tionóntachta, aon tráth sula seachadfar an fhoraithne ar an gCláraitheoir Contae chun a forghníomhaithe, an cíos agus na riaráistí cíosa go léir a bhí dlite tráth seirbheála na toghairme sibhialta,... FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997 Leath 1
The defendant in any ejectment proceedings for non-payment of rent, or any person having a specific interest in the contract of tenancy, at any time before the decree shall have been delivered to the County Registrar for execution, may pay to the plaintiff all rent and arrears of rent due at the time of the service of the civil summons, ...
ciallaíonn "ceadúnas" comhaontú i scríbhinn (nach léas nó conradh tionóntachta) idir soláthróir agus duine eile ag tabhairt de cheart don duine sin stáisiún cuideachta a áitiú agus a oibriú;
"licence" means an agreement in writing (not being a lease or other contract of tenancy) between a supplier and another person conferring on that person the right to occupy and operate a company station;
GAcúirtealáiste fir4
gu cúirtealáiste
... d'fhoirgneamh nó do mhaoin laistigh de chúirtealáiste foirgnimh ... FOINSE: I.R. 1981
...to a building or to property within the curtilage of a building...
...ina bhfuil an gairdín, an teach cónaithe nó cúirtealáiste an tí chónaithe a n-iarrtar an barántas a eisiúint ina leith. FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997 Leath 1
...wherein the garden, dwellinghouse or curtilage thereof in respect of which the issue of the warrant is sought is situated.
GAcúnant fir1
gu cúnaint, ai cúnaint, gi cúnant
...saor ó aon chearta codarsna, cúnaint shriantacha, nó eirí ach amháin iad sin ar faoina réir a thíolac an tíolacas (nó, an ionstraim) an mhaoin go sainráite. FOINSE: I.R. 1981
...free from any adverse rights, restrictive convenants or incumbrances, except those subject to which the conveyance (or, instrument) expressly conveyed the property.
GAdídhílsigh br
abr dídhílsiú, aidbhr dídhílsithe
Scaradh le cumhacht, maoin, teideal nó údarás
Relinquishing of power, property, title or authority
Is é is éifeacht don Ordú an cumasc nó an táthcheangal beartaithe idir Smurfit Investments (Ireland) Limited agus Bedstone Limited a thoirmeasc ach amháin ar choinníollacha áirithe, arb é an príomhchoinníoll acu, go ndídhílseoidh siad an ceart an iris dar teideal "Irish Business" a fhoilsiú, tráth nach déanaí ná an 30ú lá d' Aibreán, 1982. FOINSE: I.R 323-337 1981
The effect of the Order is to prohibit the proposed merger or take-over by Smurfit Investments (Ireland) Limited of Bedstone Limited except on certain conditions, the most important of which is that it divest itself of the right to publish the magazine known as “Irish Business” not later than 30th day of April, 1982
GAdílseánach fir1
gu dílseánaigh, ai dílseánaigh, gi dílseánach
An té ar leis an réadmhaoin agus atá i dteideal í a úsáid
The person to whom the property belongs and who has title to its use
...an duine a bhfuil sé beartaithe aige/aici a bheith ina dhílseánach/dílseánach cláraithe ar ionad cónaithe do leanaí ... FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997_leath 2
...person intending to be the registered proprietor of a children's residential centre ...
(d) nach iasachtaí é an t-iasachtaí i leith aon iasachta eile arna dhéanamh ag an údarás faoi Acht 1966 nó nach sealbhóir tí é a bhfuil airleacan nó aon chuid d'airleacan, arna dhéanamh ag an údarás faoi na hAchtanna um Thithe Beaga Cónaithe D'Fháil, 1899 go 1962, neamhíoctha go fóill, ina leith, FOINSE: I.R. 1980
(d) the borrower is not a borrower in respect of any other loan made by the authority under the Act of 1966 or is not the proprietor of a house in respect of which an advance, or any part of an advance, made by the authority under the Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts, 1899 to 1962, remains unpaid,
(i) Dílseánaigh agus a líon tí ag obair sa ghnó gan pá
(i) Proprietors and unpaid members of family working in the business
Sula ndéanfar achomharc chun na Cúirte faoi alt 62 den Acht ón dílseánach cláraithe ... in aghaidh cinnidh, a shonraítear i bhfo-alt (1) den alt sin, ó bhord sláinte, déanfar fógra i bhFoirm 84.65, Sceideal C, a eisiúint agus a sheirbheáil ar an mbord sláinte sin. FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997 Leath 1
An appeal to the Court under section 62 of the Act by the registered proprietor or, as the case may be, ...against a decision, specified in subsection (1) of that section, of a health board shall be preceded by the issue and service of a notice in the Form 84.65 Schedule C, upon that health board.
Ar iarratas ó dhílseánach cláraithe trádmhairc amháin nó níos mó faoi mhír (a) d'alt 36 (7) chun taifead, nó taifid, úsáidire chláraithe an mhairc nó na marcanna sin a athrú:FOINSE: I.R. 1980
On application by the registered proprietor of one or more trade marks under paragraph (a) of section 36 (7) to vary the entry or entries, of a registered user thereof:
‘registered proprietor’, in relation to a designated centre, means the person whose name is entered in the register as the person carrying on the centre.” [Uimh. 40 de 2010]
ó Acht: ciallaíonn “dílseánach cláraithe”, i ndáil le lárionad ainmnithe, an duine a bhfuil a ainm nó a hainm taifeadta sa chlár mar an duine a sheolann an lárionad.”
GAdiúscair br
láith diúscraíonn, abr diúscairt, aidbhr diúscartha
(of property)
Seilbh ar réadmhaoin a ghéilleadh nó a aistriú
To surrender or transfer possession of property
Ní dhiúscróidh an Bord, gan toiliú an Aire, aon chuid d’aon talamh nó aon leas sa chéanna a aistrítear chuig an mBord nó a dhílsítear don Bhord de bhua an ailt seo [Acht 1 de 2000]
The Board shall not, without the consent of the Minister, dispose of any part of any land or any interest therein transferred to or vested in the Board by virtue of this section.
Féadfar gach aon eastát agus leas i dtalamh, cibé atá sé dlíthiúil nó cothromasach, a dhiúscairt [Acht 27 de 2009]
All estates and interests in land, whether legal or equitable, may be disposed of.
GAdiúscairt bain3
gu diúscartha
nó, i gcás tíolacaidh nó aistrithe a oibreoidh mar dhiúscairt shaorálach inter vivos, de luach na maoine a dhéanfar a thíolacadh nó a aistriú.". FOINSE: I.R. 1981
or, in the case of a conveyance or transfer operating as a voluntary disposition inter vivos, of the value of the property conveyed or transferred.”
Caingean a chur de láimh go hachomair [Acht Uimh. 31 de 2009]
Summary disposal of action
GAdiúscairt bain3
gu diúscartha
(of property)
Úinéireacht réadmhaoine a aistriú ó dhuine amháin go duine eile
The transfer of ownership in a property from one person to another
(ii) of land under a relevant contract in relation to the disposal.’’. Uimhir 2 de 1999
(ii) ar diúscairt talún í faoi chonradh iomchuí i ndáil leis an diúscairt.
Maoin a aistriú gan aon chomaoin luachmhar a lorg.
The transfer of property without the promise of a valuable consideration.
"(1) Déanfar dleacht stampa is inmhuirearaithe faoin Teideal nó faoi threoir an teideal "Conveyance or Trans-fer on Sale of any property other than stocks or market-able securities" sa Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Stamp Act, 1891, ar aon ionstraim lena mbainfidh an t--alt seo a mhuirearú de réir ráta £1 in aghaidh gach £50 nó gach cuid chodánach de £50 de shuim nó luach chom-aoin an díolacháin, nó, i gcás tíolacaidh nó aistrithe a oibreoidh mar dhiúscairt shaorálach inter vivos, de luach na maoine a dhéanfar a thíolacadh nó a aistriú.".FOINSE: I.R. 1981
“(1) Stamp duty chargeable under or by reference to the heading ‘Conveyance or Transfer on Sale of any property other than stocks or marketable securities’ in the First Schedule to the Stamp Act, 1891, on any instrument to which this section applies shall be charged at the rate of £1 for every £50 or fractional part of £50 of the amount or value of the consideration for the sale, or, in the case of a conveyance or transfer operating as a voluntary disposition inter vivos, of the value of the property conveyed or transferred.”.
Aistriú réadmhaoine nó maoin phearsanta trí uacht.
The transfer of real or personal property via a will
... nó ag a raibh éifeacht, uachta nó codaisíle nó diúscartha tiomnaí eile, nó aon choda d'uacht nó de chodaisíl nó de dhiúscairt thiomnach eile...
... or having the form or effect of a[]will or codicil, or of a part of a will or codicil, or other testamentary disposition ...
'testamentary disposition': n. how the terms of a will divide the testator's (will writer's) estate, including specific gifts to named beneficiaries. (http://dictionary.law.com)
Ar uacht, nó uacht agus codaisíl nó codaisíleacha, nó diúscairt thiomnach eile, dhuine mhairbh a thaisceadh lena slánchoimeád, agus an admháil ar thaisceadh a áireamhFOINSE: I.R. 1980
For depositing the will, or will and codicil or codocils, or other testamentary disposition of a deceased person for safe custody, including the deposit receipt
Maoin uile (réadmhaoin agus maoin phearsanta) i seilbh duine ag tráth a bháis/báis
All property, real and personal, owned by a person at the time of death
...doiciméad foirmiúil a ullmhú chun teideal a fháil chun eastát éagaigh a riaradh agus doiciméad foirmiúil a dhréachtadh lena mbunaítear nó lena n-aistrítear leas i dtalamh,".FOINSE: I.R. 1981
...the preparation of a formal document for obtaining title to administer the estate of a deceased person and the drafting of a formal document creating or transferring an interest in land,".
As gníomhú thar ceann, nó as cosaint leas, aon éilitheora Éireannaigh ar eastát duine mhairbh lasmuigh den StátFOINSE: I.R. 1980
For acting on behalf of, or protecting the interests of, any Irish claimant to the estate of a deceased person situate abroad...
GAeisiachtain bain3
gu eisiachtana, iol eisiachtainí
Ar aon ghnáthbhille sibhialta nó gnáth-thoghairm (lena n-áirítear Idirphléadáil, Eisiachtain, Athsheachadadh, billí sibhialta maidir le deonú nó cúlghairm Probháide nó Litreacha Riaracháin agus Iarratais Díobhála Coiriúla) a eisiúint FOINSE: I.R. 1980
On the issue of any ordinary civil bill or summons (including Interpleader, Ejectment, Replevin, civil bills in relation to the grant of revocation of Probate or Letters of Administration and Criminal Injury Applications)
Mionnscríbhinní i gcás eisiachtana i leith neamhíoc cíosa FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997 Leath 1
Affidavits in ejectment for non-payment of rent
GAfocal fir1 oibríoch
ai focail oibríocha
ENoperative word s
pl operative words
na focail oibríocha i dtíolacas
operative words in a conveyance
Brabús a fhaightear le linn agóid maidir le húinéireacht talaimh a bheith ar siúl
Profit obtained while a dispute over land ownership is ongoing
Ní fhéadfar aon éileamh a uamadh le héileamh chun talamh a aisghabháil ach amháin i leith foghailbhrabús nó riaráistí cíosa... FOINSE: I.R. Uimh 510 de 2001
No claim may be joined with one for the recovery of land except in respect of mesne profits or arrears of rent...
GAfoléas fir1
gu foléasa, iol foléasanna
Léas a thugann tionónta ar réadmhaoin atá ar léas aige féin ón úinéir
A lease given by a tenant who has leased the property from the owner
(c) duine a theachtann an stáisiún mar fholéasaí nó mar thionónta faoi fholéas nó faoi chonradh tionóntachta eile ó léasú nó ó thionónta dá dtagraítear i bhfomhír (b) den Airteagal, nó FOINSE: I.R. 1981
(c) a person holding the station as sublessee or tenant under a sublease or other contract of tenancy from a lessee or tenant referred to in subparagraph (b) of this Article, or
San alt seo, i gcás mórláithreach árasán ainmnithe a bhfuil leas léasachta sannta don chuideachta bainistíochta ina leith chun críocha alt 59 , folaíonn tagairt do léas foléas. [Uimh.22 de 2009]
In this section, in the case of a designated apartment complex in respect of which a leasehold interest is assigned to the management company for the purposes of section 59 , a reference to a lease includes a sublease
duine a theachtann an stáisiún mar fholéasaí nó mar thionónta faoi fholéas nó faoi chonradh tionóntachta eile ó léasú nó ó thionónta dá dtagraítear i bhfomhír (b) den Airteagal, nó FOINSE: I.R. 1981
a person holding the station as sublessee or tenant under a sublease or other contract of tenancy from a lessee or tenant referred to in subparagraph (b) of this Article, or
GAfoléasaigh br
abr foléasú, aidbhr foléasaithe
(2) Aon tagairtí san Ordú seo, do stáisiún biotáille mhótair a léasú nó a fholéasú chun léasaí, foléasaí, tionónta nó ceadúnaí ... FOINSE: I.R. 1981
(2) References in this Order, in relation to a lease, sublease or other contract of tenancy or a licence, ...
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