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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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GAairgead fir1
gu airgid
ENmoney s
Ruaigeann airgead táir an t-airgead slán.
Bad money drives out good.
airgead a mheastar a éilíodh
money deemed to have been demanded
M1: One measure of the money supply that includes all coins, currency held by the public, traveler's checks, checking account balances, NOW accounts, automatic transfer service accounts, and balances in credit unions. M2 : One measure of the money supply that includes M1, plus savings and small time deposits, overnight repos at commercial banks, and non-institutional money market accounts. A key economic indicator used to forecast inflation. M3 : One measure of the money supply that includes M2, plus large time deposits, repos of maturity greater than one day at commercial banks, and institutional money market accounts.
broad money: One measure of the money supply that includes M1, plus savings and small time deposits, overnight repos at commercial banks, and non-institutional money market accounts. This is a key economic indicator used to forecast inflation, since it is not as narrow as M1 and still relatively easy to track. All the components of M2 are very liquid, and the non-cash components can be converted into cash very easily.
GAairgead fir1 te
gu airgid the
Airgeadas Taiscí amhantracha bainc a bhogtar timpeall na margaí airgid idirnáisiúnta chun buntáiste a bhaint as athruithe i rátaí malairte airgeadraí agus i rátaí úis.
Finance Speculative bank deposits that are moved around the international money markets to take advantage of currency and interest rate movements.
GAbarántas fir1 aisíoctha airgid
gu barántais aisíoctha airgid
ENmoney back warrant s
pl money back warrants
Airgeadas Barántas banna is féidir a fhuascailt ar mhéid socraithe ag amanna éagsúla le linn saol an bharántais.
Finance Bond warrant can be redeemed for a set amount at different times during the life of the warrant.
Airgeadas Oibríocht a dhéanann trádálaí nó déileálaí nuair is mian leis é/í féin a chosaint i riocht oscailte, go háirithe i ndíol nó i gceannach tráchtearra, airgeadra, urrúis, etc., ar móide go luaineoidh a phraghas le linn na tréimhse a bhfanfaidh an riocht sin oscailte.
Finance An operation undertaken by a trader or a dealer who wishes to protect an open position, especially a sale or a purchase of a commodity, currency, security, etc., that is likely to fluctuate in price over the period that the position remains open.
GAgar-airgead fir1
gu gar-airgid, ai gar-airgid, gi gar-airgead
staidéar luach ar airgead
value for money study
Fuair siad luach a gcuid airgid.
They got value for money.
GAmargadh fir1 airgid
gu margaidh airgid, ai margaí airgid
Airgeadas Margadh a bhíonn gafa le hairgead a fháil agus a thabhairt ar iasacht go gearrthéarmach, ag cruthú naisc idir na forais airgeadais (bainc thráchtála, tithe lascaine, etc.), cuideachtaí agus an rialtas.
Finance A market engaged in the short-term lending and borrowing of money, linking together the financial institutions (commercial banks, discount houses, etc.), companies and the government.
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