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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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GAciorcad fir1 teaglama
gu ciorcaid teaglama
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Ciorcad le hil-ionchuir agus il-aschuir agus na haschuir á gcinneadh go huathúil de réir na n-ionchur.
Computers, Computer Science A circuit with multiple inputs and multiple outputs in which the outputs are uniquely determined by the current inputs.
GAgiotán fir1 neamhnithe
gu giotáin neamhnithe
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Is cleas é an giotán neamhnithe chun fáil réidh le sliotáin mhoillaga. Más 0 é i mbrainse coinníollach, ritear an sliotán moillaga mar is gnáth. Más 1 é, áfach, ní ritear an sliotán moillaga ach sa chás go mbíonn an brainse gafa. Mura mbíonn sé gafa, léimtear thar an treoir a thagann i ndiaidh an bhrainse choinníollaigh.
Computers, Computer Science The annul bit is a trick to get rid of some delay slots. If it is 0 in a conditional branch, the delay slot is executed as usual. If it is 1, however, the delay slot is only executed if the branch is taken. If it is not taken, the instruction following the conditional branch is skipped.
GAloighic bain2 dhigiteach
gu loighce digití
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Tagairt do na cineálacha coitianta aicmí loighce a úsáidtear i gciorcaid agus i gcórais chomhlánaithe dhigiteacha, e.g.: loighic thrasraitheora is thrasraitheora (TTL), loighic astaíre- chúpláilte (ECL), loighic ardtairsí (HTL) agus loighic chomhtháite inteilgin (I2 L).
Computers, Computer Science Refers to the common types of logic families used for digital integrated circuits and systems, such as: TTL (transistor-transistor logic), ECL (emitter-coupled logic), HTL (high-threshold logic) and I2 L (integrated injection logic).