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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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Torthaí beachta Exact matches
(general advantage)
GAbrabach fir1
gu brabaigh, ai brabaigh, gi brabach
(financial gain)
GAbrabús fir1
gu brabúis, ai brabúis, gi brabús
brabach fir1
gu brabaigh, ai brabaigh, gi brabach
Finance 1. For a single transaction, the excess of the selling price of the article or service being sold over the costs of providing it. 2. For a period of trading, the surplus of net assets at the start of that period, adjusted where relevant for amounts of capital injected ar withdrawn by the proprietors. As profit is notoriously hard to define, it is not always possible to derive one single figure of profit for an organization from an accepted set of data.
Airgeadas 1. D'idirbheart amháin, farasbarr phraghas díola an earra nó na seirbhíse atá ar díol thar chostas a soláthar. 2. Do thréimhse trádála, barrachas na nglansócmhainní ag tús na tréimhse sin, coigeartaithe mar is cuí de réir an mhéid caipitil a chuir na húinéirí isteach sa ghnó nó a tharraing siad as.
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
ENcapital gain s
pl capital gains
GAgnóthachan fir1 caipitiúil
ai gnóthachain chaipitiúla
Finance An increase in the capital value of an asset between the time of its acquisition by its owner and its sale by that owner.
Airgeadas Méadú ar luach caipitiúil sócmhainne idir an t-am a fhaigheann a húinéir í agus an t-am a dhíolann sé í.
GAbrabús fir1 caipitiúil
gu brabúis chaipitiúil, ai brabúis chaipitiúla
Finance A profit arising from the disposal of a capital asset.
Airgeadas Brabús a thagann de thoradh ar shócmhainn chaipitiúil a chur de láimh.
Profit obtained while a dispute over land ownership is ongoing
Brabús a fhaightear le linn agóid maidir le húinéireacht talaimh a bheith ar siúl
No claim may be joined with one for the recovery of land except in respect of mesne profits or arrears of rent...
Ní fhéadfar aon éileamh a uamadh le héileamh chun talamh a aisghabháil ach amháin i leith foghailbhrabús nó riaráistí cíosa... FOINSE: I.R. Uimh 510 de 2001
GAglanbhrabús fir1
gu glanbhrabúis, ai glanbhrabúis, gi glanbhrabús
brabús fir1 glan gnáthúsáid/common usage
GAcorrlach fir1 brabúis
gu corrlaigh brabúis
Finance Profits divided by total operating revenue.
Airgeadas Brabúis roinnte ar iomlán an ioncaim reatha oibriúcháin.
increasing profit margins
corrlaigh bhrabúis a mhéadú