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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
Roinn chaintePart of speech
Roghanna Options
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teaghrán uathúil carachtar chun suíomhanna nó foirgnimh a bhfuil baint acu leis an slabhra luacha táirge nó a úsáideann gníomhaithe a bhfuil baint acu leis an slabhra luacha táirge
unique string of characters for the identification of locations or buildings involved in the value chain of a product or used by actors involved in the value chain of a product
GAfóntas fir1
gu fóntais, ai fóntais, gi fóntas
ENutility s
pl utilities
facility s
pl facilities
(of service, public utility)
fóntas poiblí
public utility
GAmear-reo fir4
gu mear-reo
reversible feature to be activated by the end-user according to the manufacturer’s instructions, which decreases the storage temperature of the freezer or freezer compartment to achieve faster freezing of unfrozen foodstuffs
feature that can be activated by the end-user according to the manufacturer’s, the importer's or the authorised representative's instructions, which decreases the storage temperature of freezer compartment(s) to achieve a faster freezing of unfrozen foodstuffs
GAsaoráid bain2
gu saoráide, iol saoráidí
ENfacility s
pl facilities
(building, etc.)
saoráidí eile ar fáil i gColáiste Talmhaíochta Ghoirtín
other facilities available in Gurteen Agricultural College
Níl cead ag daoine faoi bhun 16 bliana d’aois úsáid a bhaint as na saoráidí seo
Anyone under the age of 16 is not permitted to use the facilities
GAsaoráid bain2 baincéireachta idirnáisiúnta
ai saoráidí baincéireachta idirnáisiúnta
ENinternational banking facility s
pl international banking facilities
Airgeadas Feithiclí dlíthiúla a chumasaíonn oifigí bainc i Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá le glacadh le taiscí ama i ndollair nó in airgeadraí eile ó chustaiméirí eachtracha, saor ó riachtanais chúlchiste, ó tháillí árachais taisce agus ó fhoircinn eile. Dearadh iad chun dul in iomaíocht le margadh na nEorabhannaí.
Finance Legal vehicles that enable bank offices in the US to accept time deposits in dollars or in other currencies from foreign customers, free of reserve requirements, deposit insurance fees and other limitations. Designed to compete with the Eurobond market.
Airgeadas ceangaltas frithgheallta meántéarmach bainc a bheith ar fáil mar chúltaca don Eoranóta agus d'eisiúint pháipéar tráchtála Stát Aontaithe Mheiriceá
Finance bank's medium term underwriting commitment is available to back up both the Euronote and a US commercial paper issue
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